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How to Check Your Tires for Signs of Wear and Tear

Updated: Feb 7

When you are a car owner, you want to make sure that every component in your car is in good condition. This includes your car tires, and they come into contact with the road practically all the time. Because they are constantly used, they are certain to become worn over time. You definitely do not want to be using tires that are much worn, as not only would you have difficulty handling the car, but the possibility of getting into accidents will increase. Because of their constant usage, they are certainly going to experience wear and tear over time. If you want to keep you, your family, and any other passengers safe, then you need to keep your tires in good condition. There are a number of things that need to be checked.

External signs of wear and damage

A simple thing to do to see if your tires are safe is to check for any cuts, bulges, or any foreign objects lodged within the tires or its treads. This simple check allows you to take care of anything that may cause a problem for you later down the road. Having any cuts on the tires will make your tires lose air and may lead to blowouts. Bulges indicate bubbles that compromise the structural integrity inside of the tire. Remove any tiny rocks that may be lodged within the treads as to avoid them damaging the wheels when you travel. Looking out for these small things may help to prevent your tires from causing any accidents to occur.

Maintaining correct air pressure

Another thing to check is the air pressure in your tires. Having over- or under-inflated tires will have negative effects on their treads and handling. Over-inflated tires will create more center wear, where the treads running down the middle of the tire will wear out faster than the ones in the shoulders of the tire. Under-inflation will likewise wear out the shoulder treads. Over-inflated tires would increase the likelihood of damage from road hazards, while under-inflated tires would make a vehicle more difficult to handle. Always check if your tires have the correct air pressure, especially when going for a long trip. Maintaining the right tire pressure will help even out wearing, and greatly increase the life and usage of your tires, making them safe to use.

Checking tread depth

One final thing to try and do is to have your tires’ tread depths checked. Having the right amount of tread for a tire will improve handling capability, while also help keep you safe in braking and preventing hydroplaning. Checking the tread depth of a tire is done with a tread gauge. It’s also important to check not just one groove, but all the grooves of the tire so as to determine whether or not the tire is wearing out evenly. The measurement to look out for is 2/32 inches, as that is when a tire is not safe to use anymore and may need replacing. The range of 5/32 inches to 3/32 inches, while indicating that your tires still have some life to them, is also a warning that they may need to be checked or replaced soon. All other measurements beyond that are within the safe zone for a tire.

Ensuring the safety of your tires should be a top priority for any vehicle owner. Regular tire inspections and proper maintenance can help prolong the life of your tires and keep you and your passenger safe on the road. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can assess the condition of your tires and make informed decisions about when it's time to replace them. Don't wait for a tire failure to occur before taking action - take control of your tire safety today!

If you need help selecting the right tires for your vehicle, reach out to Macro Tires for expert advice and quality tire options. Take the first step towards safe and secure road travel - inspect your tires today! Visit their official website

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